
4 days ago
4 days ago
Cultivating Beauty - Alison McGregor - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
Alison Mcgregor, who is Australian, worked in computing for 3M Australia before joining her husband Jock in the ministry of L’Abri. They worked at English L'Abri for 10 years and have led the Rochester L'Abri for 20 years. She enjoys still life painting and foraging for mushrooms.

Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Wednesday Feb 05, 2025
Finding a Voice Through the Arts - Ann Riggot - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
Ann Riggot is primarily a figurative artist using oils in a more traditional realist style, Ann has explored several other styles and subjects including reflective objects, ocean waves and birds. Her favorite subject matter, however, are children exploring and interacting with their everyday world.
Ann has exhibited throughout SE Minnesota and the Twin Cities, and has won many awards for her work, including Best of Show, People’s Choice Awards and a merit award in international juried competition.

Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Wednesday Jan 29, 2025
Shakespeare and the Christian Walk - Keith Jones - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
Dr. Keith Jones received his B.A. in English from Covenant College and his M.A. in English Literature and Ph.D. in Renaissance English Literature from Saint Louis University. He served as a Visiting Assistant Professor in the English Department of Wheaton College for five years and has been a valued part of the Department of English and Literature at University of Northwestern since 2004.
The Joneses have adopted three children from Vietnam. The experiences surrounding their adoptions continue to teach the family about trusting in God. Adopting children from Vietnam has also expanded Keith’s love of Vietnamese culture, literature, and cuisine.

Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Wednesday Jan 22, 2025
Beauty out of Ashes: Blues and Spirituals for Troubled Times - Bill Edgar - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
William 'Bill' Edgar (BA, Harvard University, MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary, DTh, Université de Genève) is proffesor of Apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. He directs the gospel-jazz band Renewal, which features the legendary singer Ruth Naomi Floyd. He is also currently professeur associé at the Faculté Jean Calvin, Aix-en-Provence (France). He has published more than 20 books and numerous articles in French and in English. His most recent book is A Supreme Love: The Music of Jazz and the Gospel (IVP Academic, 2022). He and his wife, Barbara, have two children and three grandchildren.

Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
Wednesday Jan 15, 2025
The Exploration of Good and Evil in C.S. Lewis's Science Fiction Trilogy - Jerram Barrs - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
Jerram Barrs retired in 2022 after 34 years of service to the Seminary. A student of the late Francis A. Schaeffer, Jerram joined the Covenant faculty in 1989 after 18 years with L’Abri Fellowship in England, where he also served as a pastor in the International Presbyterian Church he helped plant there. Jerram is a graduate of Covenant and while a student at the Seminary he and his wife, Vicki, were involved in the planting of Grace and Peace Fellowship, a Reformed Presbyterian (now PCA) church in St. Louis city.
His publications include Being Human, Shepherds and Sheep, Who Are the Peacemakers?, The Great Rescue, The Heart of Evangelism, Through His Eyes, Learning Evangelism from Jesus, The Heart of Prayer, Echoes of Eden, Delighting in the Law of the Lord, as well as the video series Building Up Bridges, Breaking Down Walls. He is at present working on a sermon commentary on the Book of Revelation, tentatively entitled Jesus, Lord of History: The Message of Revelation. He is also working on books on The Heart of a Pastor, The Heart of Worship, C. S. Lewis: God’s Hand in His History, and Mythmaking and the Gospel in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.

Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
Wednesday Jan 08, 2025
The Apologetics of Beauty: The Aesthetic Vision of Edith Schaeffer - Mike Sugimoto - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
Mike Sugimoto is Professor of Asian Studies at Pepperdine University with a focus on cinema, sociology and philosophy.

Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
Wednesday Jan 01, 2025
'That we Might be Truly Human': Looking Back at Rookmaker's Legacy... and Looking Forward - Robb Ludwick - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
Robb Ludwick lives and works at L’Abri Fellowship in the Netherlands with his wife and four children. Alongside rendering hospitality and mentoring L’Abri guests, Robb teaches and writes regularly on cultural apologetics and personal spirituality. He holds degrees in literature, pastoral theology and philosophical anthropology.

Wednesday Dec 25, 2024
Wednesday Dec 25, 2024
Celebrating the Wisdom of Luci Shaw and the Witness of Poetry - Sarah Chestnut - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
Sarah Chestnut lives and works at L’Abri Fellowship in Southborough, Massachusetts with her husband and two children. Sarah’s poetry and creative non-fiction have appeared or are forthcoming in CRUX, Red Rock Literary Journal, LETTERS, The Rabbit Room, Three Things Newsletter, Bearings Online, Peacock Journal, and elsewhere. She hosts a local, monthly gathering, Poetry in the Round for conversation about and between poems. Sarah has a Master of Arts in Theological Studies from Regent College and was the 2009 recipient of the Luci Shaw Prize for Creative Writing.

Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
Wednesday Dec 18, 2024
The Sources of Tolkien's Inspiration in his Sub-Creation of Middle Earth - Jerram Barrs - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
Jerram Barrs retired in 2022 after 34 years of service to the Seminary. A student of the late Francis A. Schaeffer, Jerram joined the Covenant faculty in 1989 after 18 years with L’Abri Fellowship in England, where he also served as a pastor in the International Presbyterian Church he helped plant there. Jerram is a graduate of Covenant and while a student at the Seminary he and his wife, Vicki, were involved in the planting of Grace and Peace Fellowship, a Reformed Presbyterian (now PCA) church in St. Louis city.
His publications include Being Human, Shepherds and Sheep, Who Are the Peacemakers?, The Great Rescue, The Heart of Evangelism, Through His Eyes, Learning Evangelism from Jesus, The Heart of Prayer, Echoes of Eden, Delighting in the Law of the Lord, as well as the video series Building Up Bridges, Breaking Down Walls. He is at present working on a sermon commentary on the Book of Revelation, tentatively entitled Jesus, Lord of History: The Message of Revelation. He is also working on books on The Heart of a Pastor, The Heart of Worship, C. S. Lewis: God’s Hand in His History, and Mythmaking and the Gospel in J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.

Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Wednesday Dec 11, 2024
Apollo, Dionysus and Jesus: A Brief history of Western Aesthetics - John Hodges - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
John Hodges has worked for over 15 years as an orchestral conductor and taught arts and cultural apologetics for over 10 years at Crichton College. He founded and directs the Center for Western Studies, a tutorial program that teaches college-aged students a Christian worldview and the history of Western ideas. Hodges lectures on music, aesthetics, and education, and lives in Memphis with his wife Day.

Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Wednesday Dec 04, 2024
Created and Creating: A Mandate for Creativity and the Arts - Bill Edgar - 2018 Conference Highlights: For Glory and for Beauty - Creativity and the Christian
William Edgar (BA, Harvard University, MDiv, Westminster Theological Seminary, DTh, Université de Genève) is proffesor of Apologetics at Westminster Theological Seminary, Philadelphia. He directs the gospel-jazz band Renewal, which features the legendary singer Ruth Naomi Floyd. He is also currently professeur associé at the Faculté Jean Calvin, Aix-en-Provence (France). He has published more than 20 books and numerous articles in French and in English. His most recent book is A Supreme Love: The Music of Jazz and the Gospel (IVP Academic, 2022). He and his wife, Barbara, have two children and three grandchildren.

Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Wednesday Nov 27, 2024
Given that even 'spiritual giants' can burn out, this talk will look at the example of Elijah in 1 Kings 19:3-31 to discern the Three Basic Principles of Rest.
InKyung Sung is the coordinator of L’Abri Fellowship Korea. He and his wife KyungOk founded the branch in 1990. They have three children. InKyung has written 'Turning my Worldview Upside Down' and 6 other books, while KyungOk wrote 'Mother to Mothers'. They co-wrote 'Love Song for Young Adults'.
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We will be doing something a little different this series. We will still meet in-person with discussion and refreshments on offer - but our speakers will be zooming in and speaking to us from afar. This will allow our local supporters to meet some of our colleagues from other L'Abri branches and hear a little of their work in other parts of the world. This Friday we visit South Korea!

Saturday Nov 23, 2024
The God Who Asks Questions - Karl Pacholke - 15th November - Friday Night Lectureure
Saturday Nov 23, 2024
Saturday Nov 23, 2024
The God we encounter in the Bible is a God who asks questions. The questions God asks tend to play significant roles in moving the redemptive story forward. This lecture will explore this idea, focusing particularly on two of those questions and what they might mean for you and I today.
Karl Pacholke, with his wife Jenny, is a few years into the vulnerable process of starting a new L'Abri work in Brisbane, Australia. His working backgrounds are a short stint in engineering, followed by a longer stint in pastoral ministry. His days are enriched by a little brood of children.
We will be doing something a little different this series. We will still meet in person with discussion and refreshments on offer - but our speakers will be zooming in and speaking to us from afar. This will allow our local supporters to meet some of our colleagues from other L'Abri branches and hear a little of their work in other parts of the world. This Friday we visit Brisbane, Australia!

Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Is God Worth a Second Look? - Frank Stootman - 8th November - Friday Night Lecture
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Wednesday Nov 13, 2024
Western Society is, to all intents and purposes, atheist. Ourscientific, economic, political, and educational institutions alloperate practically as if God is irrelevant. What has happened inboth the sciences and humanities that has created this situation andwhat are the consequences? When examined closely, is there arational case which, once again, points in the Biblical directiontowards the Hebrew God - which underpins both the form of theuniverse and our humanity?
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Dr Frank Stootman is a physicist and committed Christian. Heworked for Western Sydney University for 23 years and retired asAssociate Professor of Physics. He has spent many years doingresearch in Astrophysics and has an abiding interest in teachingwell, electronics, and videography. He holds a PhD in Physics aswell as a Dip. Ed from Sydney Teachers College. He is director ofL'Abri Fellowship in Australia, which is an international organizationpromoting thoughtful Christianity and honest answers to honestquestions in the context of home hospitality.(www.labri.org/australia) Frank has spoken widely on therelationship between Christianity and Science both nationally andinternationally. He has written chapters in books and edited avolume for the International Astronomy Union.
We will be doing something a little different this series - ourspeakers will be zoom-ing in and speaking to us from afar. This willallow our local supporters to meet some of our colleagues fromother L'Abri branches and hear a little of their work in other parts ofthe world. This Friday we visit Sydney, Australia!

Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
Wednesday Nov 06, 2024
What is Stewardship? - Dick Keyes - 2019 Conference Highlights: Common Grace for the Common Good - Living Life Vocationally
Dick Keyes is the director-emeritus of L’Abri Fellowship in Southborough, Massachusetts, where he has been working with his wife and family since 1979. They now continue to be engaged in the work but on more of a part-time basis. He holds a B.A. in History from Harvard University, and an M. Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He has worked for L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland and in England, where he served also as a pastor in the International Presbyterian Church in London. He has been an adjunct professor at Gordon Conwell Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is the author of Beyond Identity, True Heroism, Chameleon Christianity and Seeing Through Cynicism, as well as chapters in several anthologies such as No God But God, ed. Os Guinness and Finding God at Harvard, ed. Kelly Monroe, and The New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics.

Friday Nov 01, 2024
Friday Nov 01, 2024
Finding Sabbath Rest in a World That Never Stops - Mary Frances Giles - 2019 Conference Highlights: Common Grace for the Common Good - Living Life Vocationally
Mary Frances Giles holds an MA in Theology from Regent College and a MS in Speech and Language Pathology form Boston University. Mary works with L'Abri Fellowship Southborough.

Friday Oct 25, 2024
Friday Oct 25, 2024
The Changing Relationship of Young People to Work - Mardi Keyes - 2019 Conference Highlights: Common Grace for the Common Good - Living Life Vocationally
Mardi graduated from Wellesley College with a degree in Biblical History in 1968. Shortly after graduation, she married Dick Keyes, and in 1970, they moved to Europe to work with L’Abri. They spent six months in Switzerland, and eight and a half years in England (London and Greatham).
Mardi has lectured on a variety of topics, including hospitality, the problem of evil, the family, children, adolescence, youth culture, the Christian mind, feminism, and other gender issues. Mardi has published a number of articles, and a booklet entitled Feminism & the Bible. She also contributed a chapter in response to Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, in the book, Women and the Future of the Family. In her lectures and writing, Mardi relates Biblical teaching to social history and contemporary culture.

Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
Wednesday Oct 16, 2024
The Spirit at Work: God and Vocation - Clarke Scheibe - 2019 Conference Highlights: Common Grace for the Common Good - Living Life Vocationally
Clarke Scheibe is the director of L'Abri Fellowship in Victoria, B.C. His wife Julia and he have been a part of L'Abri in Canada for 15 years and they are grateful to have two young children. He received a BLA from the University of Mississippi and a MDiv from Regent College in Vancouver.

Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Wednesday Oct 09, 2024
Singing Songs the Whole World Can Hear - Steven Garber - 2019 Conference Highlights: Common Grace for the Common Good - Living Life Vocationally
Dr. Steven Garber served at Regent College from 2017–2020 as Professor of Marketplace Theology and Leadership and as Director of Regent’s Master of Arts in Leadership, Theology, and Society. Prior to his time at Regent, he served as Principal of The Washington Institute for Faith, Vocation, and Culture in Washington, D.C.

Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Wednesday Oct 02, 2024
Living Life Vocationally: What the Church Must Do - Luke Bobo - 2019 Conference Highlights: Common Grace for the Common Good - Living Life Vocationally
Luke Bobo (MDiv, PhD) previously served as director of resource and curriculum development for Made to Flourish and works as an adjunct professor of contemporary culture and apologetics at Covenant Seminary. He is the author of Living Salty and Light-Filled Lives in the Workplace and A Layperson’s Guide to Biblical Interpretation. Luke currently serves as director of bioethics at Kansas City University.

Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Wednesday Sep 25, 2024
Christian Vocation in the Sciences - Frank Stootman - 2019 Conference Highlights: Common Grace for the Common Good - Living Life Vocationally.
Frank Stootman runs L'Abri Sydney with his wife Heather. He holds a PhD in Physics. Frank was an Associate Professor at Western Sydney University (WSU). His primary scientific interests are astrophysics and computational simulation. He has lectured extensively on the relationship of Christianity (Revelation) to Science (Natural Philosophy). He has eclectic interests in philosophy, music, history, politics, the arts, and film. He is a keen amateur videographer and video editor.

Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
Christian Vocation in the Humanities - John Hodges - 2019 Conference Highlights: Common Grace for the Common Good - Living Life Vocationally
John Hodges has worked for over 15 years as an orchestral conductor and taught arts and cultural apologetics for over 10 years at Crichton College. He founded and directs the Center for Western Studies, a tutorial program that teaches college-aged students a Christian worldview and the history of Western ideas. Hodges lectures on music, aesthetics, and education, and lives in Memphis with his wife Day.

Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Wednesday Sep 11, 2024
Created to Make a Difference - Dick Keyes - 2019 Conference Highlights: Common Grace for the Common Good - Living Life Vocationally
Dick Keyes is the director-emeritus of L’Abri Fellowship in Southborough, Massachusetts, where he has been working with his wife and family since 1979. They now continue to be engaged in the work but on more of a part-time basis. He holds a B.A. in History from Harvard University, and an M. Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He has worked for L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland and in England, where he served also as a pastor in the International Presbyterian Church in London. He has been an adjunct professor at Gordon Conwell Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is the author of Beyond Identity, True Heroism, Chameleon Christianity and Seeing Through Cynicism, as well as chapters in several anthologies such as No God But God, ed. Os Guinness and Finding God at Harvard, ed. Kelly Monroe, and The New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics.

Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Thursday Sep 05, 2024
Ninety years ago, the renowned biblical archaeologist Nelson Gleuck surveyed the copper mines in the southern Arabah region of the Negev. He considered them to be from the period of King Solomon, based upon the Bible’s description of Solomon’s expansive ship building and his economic empire. Some years later, archaeologists debunked Glueck’s ideas, arguing that there was no material evidence that the mines were used during the period of Israel’s United Monarchy (c. 1020-920 B.C.). New evidence, however, has forced scholars to reevaluate this evidence. This leads me to consider evidence for the reigns of David and Solomon, as scholars in the last few years have uncovered architectural and inscriptional evidence for their reigns.
Click for Smithsonian Article
Mark Chavalas is Emeritus Professor of History, University of Wisconsin-La Crosse, where he taught for thirty-five years. He is the author or editor of a number of works on Mesopotamia and Israel, including Mesopotamia and the Bible, and the IVP Bible Background Commentary: Old Testament. He and his wife Kimberlee live in La Crosse, WI and have six adult children and three grandchildren.

Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
Wednesday Aug 28, 2024
n this lecture, Dr. Bob Osburn invites critiques of his five-part social change model that has been developed over the past decade or more. Although the model, which will be presented in detail, was featured in an article he recently wrote for Christianity Today, the model has not yet been tested, let alone systematically applied. Is the model guilty of utopianism, on the one hand, or is it too modest for the rough and tumble of a fallen world, on the other? How well are its assumptions grounded in orthodox biblical theology as well as the best of social science? What are its limitations, and what are the primary objections that can be posited against it?
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A Senior Fellow with Wilberforce International Institute, which he founded in 2009, Robert Osburn trains international students as redemptive change agents and writes and teaches about international development, comparative worldviews, corruption, education policy, and wealth creation. For seven years he taught courses on religion and educational policy and religion and international development at the University of Minnesota, and currently teaches courses with The New International University and Wilberforce International Institute. He has a PhD in comparative and international development education from the University of Minnesota, a ThM from Dallas Seminary, and a BA from the University of Michigan. He is the author of Taming the Beast: Can We Bridle the Culture of Corruption? (2016) and, most recently, Developing Redemptive Change Agents: Discipleship That Helps Nations Flourish Rather Than Flounder (2021). Bob and Susan have been married for 49 years, are the parents of four sons, and grandparents to 13.

Thursday Aug 22, 2024
Thursday Aug 22, 2024
After speaking about the nature of philosophy as a method and way of life (the love of wisdom), we will address what is called 'Naturalism' (roughly the view that only nature exists and the natural sciences are our best or only ways of knowing reality). Reasons for and against strict and broad or expansive forms of naturalism will be assessed. All forms of naturalism reject the supernatural. Is "supernatural" the best term to describe the God of Christianity or the soul? Does Christian theism pose an important challenge to secular or religious forms of naturalism?
Charles Taliaferro Ph.D. MA (Brown) MTS (Harvard) MA (URI) BA (Goddard), Professor Emeritus and Overby Distinguished Professor, St. Olaf College, has taught at Notre Dame and U. Mass Boston. He is the author or co-author or editor of 40 books (3 are audio books, available on Amazon). He is currently working on a collection of essays, "Dying to See You! Light essays on life, love, and death" based on the tetramorph - the four living creatures before the throne of God in Revelations - the human, ox, lion, and eagle.

Thursday Aug 15, 2024
Thursday Aug 15, 2024
When you hear the word "genocide" what comes to mind? Likely an event of mass killing: perhaps 'the Armenians' (WWI) or Stalin starving out Ukraine (1932-33); extermination camps under National Socialism; or Pol Pot's 'killing fields' (Cambodia, 1975-79); or Rwanda (July 1994). Now, questions arise concerning the tactics and intent in Russia's war against Ukraine, and from the October 7 Hamas attack against Israel and Israel's response in Gaza (including claims submitted to the International Criminal Court). Thus, an overview might be timely. Looking at the emergence of the concept of genocide as coined by Raphael Lemkin, what survived of it in the 1947 Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide. And looking also at its application, including why, given enumerated criteria, genocide is so rarely charged by the International Criminal Court, despite widespread rhetorical use of the term in many contexts? Examples before and after the term was coined will be included.
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Kirk Allison teaches in the Health Humanities Program of the College of Saint Scholastica. He directed the Program in Human Rights and Health at the University of Minnesota (2006-2016) and is a member of the International Association of Genocide Scholars.

Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
Wednesday Aug 07, 2024
In our broken world, how can we design and build places that demonstrate God’s redeeming work on earth? We will explore how God invites us, as co-creators, to participate in redemptive placemaking - the art of creating places that extol the dignity of being human and foster relationships for community flourishing. You will discover the ways that contributing goodness and beauty to our neighborhoods through placemaking is an act of stewardship and obedience to the biblical command to seek the welfare of the city as we await the full restoration of creation.
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Sara Joy Proppe is the Founder and Director of Proximity Project, an initiative to educate and activate churches to creatively steward their properties for the common good of the neighborhood. In her role, Sara Joy uses her professional experience in urban planning, real estate development, and placemaking to advise and serve congregations across the country. She writes and speaks on several platforms about the intersections of theology, placemaking, and design for dignity and is the co-host of The Embedded Church podcast.

Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Wednesday Jul 31, 2024
Francis Schaeffer on Cultural Engagement - Dan Guinn - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Dan Guinn is the founder of Francis Schaeffer Studies, a research service providing online resources to the Francis Schaeffer and L'Abri Communities, with the goal of making Dr. Schaeffer's thought and teachings more accessible for general inquiry. Francis Schaeffer Studies was founded on January 1st, 2011.
Dan and his wife, Barbara, have three adult children. Dan has had a 15+ year career in technology, working as a programmer, web developer, analyst and technical instructor.

Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
Wednesday Jul 24, 2024
Swords & Plowshares: Living Christianity in a Time of war - Tim Padgett - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Timothy D. Padgett (PhD) is the Theologian-in-Residence with the Colson Center. His focus is on cultural engagement, living out the Christian worldview, and the way Christians argue for diverse viewpoints while sharing a common biblical foundation―particularly regarding the relationship between church and state, Christ and culture, and war and peace.

Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
Wednesday Jul 17, 2024
The Novelty of White Supremacy: A Modernist Conceit Disguised as an Ancient Creed - Tim Padgett - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Timothy D. Padgett (PhD) is the Theologian-in-Residence with the Colson Center. His focus is on cultural engagement, living out the Christian worldview, and the way Christians argue for diverse viewpoints while sharing a common biblical foundation―particularly regarding the relationship between church and state, Christ and culture, and war and peace.

Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Wednesday Jul 10, 2024
Seeking the Welfare of the City: A Biblical View of Citizenship - Doug Groothuis - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Doug Groothuis is a Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary. He received a PhD and a BS from the University of Oregon, and an MA in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He has authored numerous books and articles on apologetics, postmodernism, philosophy, and religion. In 2011, he published Christian Apologetics.

Saturday Jul 06, 2024
Saturday Jul 06, 2024
This talk will provide an overview of the modern resurgence of Paganism, and its origins in the West's individual and corporate identity crisis. In particular, why it appears to provide solutions to a loss of self for teenagers, disconnection from the natural world, and a sense of disembodiment. We will explore this phenomenon in our lives and the lives of those close to us and what the future may bring.
Imogen Lowe originates from the Home Counties in England. Along with her husband and four children, she worked at the English L'Abri before skedaddling to Rochester where her Husband works at the L'Abri there. She enjoys creating things, from making chutney to sewing dresses to fermenting sauerkraut and kombucha, and she doesn't drink coffee. She is a fan of reading, especially fiction, and having family days out in nature.

Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
Contemporary Challenges to Masculinity - James Lowe - June 21st - Friday Night Lecture
Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
Wednesday Jun 26, 2024
Many men find themselves fighting a war on two fronts. The material changes of the modern era (with its industrial, technological and now digital revolutions) have combined with the world-view shift to secularism to alienate men from work, others and even themselves. More recently, masculinity itself has been decried as ‘toxic’ and consequently a source of great evil.
Plenty of data and cultural commentary attest to a growing concern for men, but also to confusion at the array of solutions offered.
So, how did we get here, and what clear path can we chart through these stormy waters?
Click for Slides and Additional Info
James Lowe is a recent transplant from England with his wife and four children. He gained a BA in International Media and Communication Studies from the University of Nottingham before going on to work as a hospital based EMT for several years. James and his wife Imogen initially worked for the English L’Abri and joined the Rochester team in the spring of 2023. He enjoys reading, hiking and importing as much English culture as legally permitted.

Thursday Jun 20, 2024
What is the Gospel of Thomas? - Ian Mills - June 14th - Friday Night Lecture
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
Thursday Jun 20, 2024
The Christian Bible includes four gospels—Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. But what about the others? The idea of lost, suppressed, and secretive gospels has captured the public imagination, inspiring best-selling novels and breathless documentaries. The true story of these extra-canonical gospels may be less sensational than History Channel conspiracy theories, but it is no less interesting.
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The best known non-canonical gospel is, perhaps, the Gospel of Thomas. Prof. Mills will tell the story of two archeological discoveries that brought this apocryphal gospel to light, the origin of this work in second century philosophical circles, and its relationship to the canonical gospels. The Gospel of Thomas is not a fifth gospel of the canonical sort but a work of a completely different genre. Finally, Mills will introduce a brand-new discovery—published in the Fall of 2023—that sheds new light on the character of the Gospel of Thomas and its use for historians of early Christianity.
Ian N Mills is Visiting Assistant Professor of Classics and Religious Studies at Hamilton College. He holds a Ph.D. in New Testament from Duke University and is the author of several articles and book chapters on early Christian history. Mills’ first book, The Hypothesis of the Gospels: Pluriform Literary Traditions in Hellenistic Reading Culture, will be published by Fortress Press in November 2024. This book explores how early Christians used concepts from Hellenistic literary theory to understand the variety of gospel books in their own sacred scriptures.

Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
Wednesday Jun 12, 2024
'Some Things Seem Better Left Unsaid' - Controversial Speech and the Special Challenge of the Imprecatory Psalms - Mark Ryan - June 7th - Friday Night Lecture
Things ‘better left unsaid’ typically refers to unpleasant comments or opinions that risk angering others and creating undue trouble for the speaker. Some place the Psalms containing curses in this category. But is this correct? Should we refrain from speaking and singing these biblical psalms? If not, why not? This lecture reflects on the imprecatory language of these psalms and addresses how Christians might think about and pray these controversial psalms today.
Mark Ryan spent numerous years working with L’Abri Fellowship in Boston and Vancouver, ministering to people investigating the truth claims of the Bible. Currently, he serves as Sage Christianity's executive director, an adjunct professor of religion and culture at Covenant Seminary, and an associate professor of congregational theology and cultural apologetics at Calvin Seminary and the Missional Training Center. Mark has been married to Terri since 1996; they have three children and live in St.Louis.

Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
Wednesday Jun 05, 2024
A World Safe for Diversity: Freedom to be Faithful in a World of Exploding Diversity - Os Guinness - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Os Guinness is an author and social critic. Great-great-great grandson of Arthur Guinness, the Dublin brewer, he was born in China in World War Two where his parents were medical missionaries. A witness to the climax of the Chinese revolution in 1949, he was expelled with many other foreigners in 1951 and returned to Europe where he was educated in England. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of London and his D.Phil in the social sciences from Oriel College, Oxford.
Os has written or edited more than thirty books, including The Call, Time for Truth, Unspeakable, A Free People’s Suicide, and The Global Public Square. His latest book, Carpe Diem Redeemed, has just been published.
Since moving to the United States in 1984, Os has been a Guest Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies, a Guest Scholar and Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Senior Fellow at the Trinity Forum and the EastWest Institute in New York. He was the lead drafter of the Williamsburg Charter in 1988, a bicentennial celebration of the US Constitution, and later of “The Global Charter of Conscience,” which was published at the European Union Parliament in 2012. Os has spoken at many of the world’s major universities, and spoken widely to political and business conferences across the world. He lives with his wife Jenny in the Washington DC area.

Wednesday May 29, 2024
Wednesday May 29, 2024
The West in Search of Meaning: Oral Book Reviews - Marvin Padgett - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Marvin Padgett is a book business professional who has served as the Editorial Director for Crossway Books in Wheaton, Illinois. He previously managed the bookstore at L'Abri in Huémoz, Switzerland in 1982. He has also served as a board member of Covenant College (1995-03), Good News Publishers (1988-98), and Great Commission Publications.

Wednesday May 22, 2024
Wednesday May 22, 2024
Christians, Religious Liberty and Loving our Political Adversaries - Doug Groothuis - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Doug Groothuis is a Professor of Philosophy at Denver Seminary. He received a PhD and a BS from the University of Oregon, and an MA in philosophy from the University of Wisconsin–Madison. He has authored numerous books and articles on apologetics, postmodernism, philosophy, and religion. In 2011, he published Christian Apologetics.

Wednesday May 15, 2024
Wednesday May 15, 2024
Carpe Diem Redeemed - Os Guinness - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Os Guinness is an author and social critic. Great-great-great grandson of Arthur Guinness, the Dublin brewer, he was born in China in World War Two where his parents were medical missionaries. A witness to the climax of the Chinese revolution in 1949, he was expelled with many other foreigners in 1951 and returned to Europe where he was educated in England. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of London and his D.Phil in the social sciences from Oriel College, Oxford.
Os has written or edited more than thirty books, including The Call, Time for Truth, Unspeakable, A Free People’s Suicide, and The Global Public Square. His latest book, Carpe Diem Redeemed, has just been published.
Since moving to the United States in 1984, Os has been a Guest Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies, a Guest Scholar and Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Senior Fellow at the Trinity Forum and the EastWest Institute in New York. He was the lead drafter of the Williamsburg Charter in 1988, a bicentennial celebration of the US Constitution, and later of “The Global Charter of Conscience,” which was published at the European Union Parliament in 2012. Os has spoken at many of the world’s major universities, and spoken widely to political and business conferences across the world. He lives with his wife Jenny in the Washington DC area.

Wednesday May 08, 2024
Wednesday May 08, 2024
Thy Kingdom Come: Is Social Justice the End Goal of Christianity? - Clarke Scheibe - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Clarke Scheibe is the director of L'Abri Fellowship in Victoria, B.C. His wife Julia and he have been a part of L'Abri in Canada for 15 years and they are grateful to have two young children. He received a BLA from the University of Mississippi and a MDiv from Regent College in Vancouver.

Wednesday May 01, 2024
Wednesday May 01, 2024
Healing Political Polarization in America: Can Christians Help? - Dick Keyes - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Dick Keyes is the director-emeritus of L’Abri Fellowship in Southborough, Massachusetts, where he has been working with his wife and family since 1979. They now continue to be engaged in the work but on more of a part-time basis. He holds a B.A. in History from Harvard University, and an M. Div. from Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He has worked for L’Abri Fellowship in Switzerland and in England, where he served also as a pastor in the International Presbyterian Church in London. He has been an adjunct professor at Gordon Conwell Seminary and Westminster Theological Seminary in Philadelphia. He is the author of Beyond Identity, True Heroism, Chameleon Christianity and Seeing Through Cynicism, as well as chapters in several anthologies such as No God But God, ed. Os Guinness and Finding God at Harvard, ed. Kelly Monroe, and The New Dictionary of Christian Apologetics.

Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
Wednesday Apr 24, 2024
'I Feel Therefore I Am' - Exploring the Affective Self - Jim Paul - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Jim Paul is the director of L’Abri Fellowship in Greatham, UK, where he has worked together with his wife Merran for the past 20 years. They have two adult sons. Before L’Abri he worked in London as a doctor, specialising in the care of terminally ill patients. He holds degrees in medicine and sociology, and a masters in medical ethics. Jim published the book 'What on Earth is Heaven'. He loves reading, football, walks and country pubs.

Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Wednesday Apr 17, 2024
Humanism: The History of A seminal Idea - John Hodges - 2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
John Hodges has worked for over 15 years as an orchestral conductor and taught arts and cultural apologetics for over 10 years at Crichton College. He founded and directs the Center for Western Studies, a tutorial program that teaches college-aged students a Christian worldview and the history of Western ideas. Hodges lectures on music, aesthetics, and education, and lives in Memphis with his wife Day.

Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Wednesday Apr 10, 2024
Last Call for Liberty: How America's Genius for Freedom has become its Greatest Threat - Os Guinness -2020 Conference Highlights: For a Time Such As This - Grasping Our Cultural Moment
Os Guinness is an author and social critic. Great-great-great grandson of Arthur Guinness, the Dublin brewer, he was born in China in World War Two where his parents were medical missionaries. A witness to the climax of the Chinese revolution in 1949, he was expelled with many other foreigners in 1951 and returned to Europe where he was educated in England. He completed his undergraduate degree at the University of London and his D.Phil in the social sciences from Oriel College, Oxford.
Os has written or edited more than thirty books, including The Call, Time for Truth, Unspeakable, A Free People’s Suicide, and The Global Public Square. His latest book, Carpe Diem Redeemed, has just been published.
Since moving to the United States in 1984, Os has been a Guest Scholar at the Woodrow Wilson Center for International Studies, a Guest Scholar and Visiting Fellow at the Brookings Institution, and Senior Fellow at the Trinity Forum and the EastWest Institute in New York. He was the lead drafter of the Williamsburg Charter in 1988, a bicentennial celebration of the US Constitution, and later of “The Global Charter of Conscience,” which was published at the European Union Parliament in 2012. Os has spoken at many of the world’s major universities, and spoken widely to political and business conferences across the world. He lives with his wife Jenny in the Washington DC area.

Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
The Difficulty with the Love of God - Clarke Scheibe - March 29th - Friday Night Lecture
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
Wednesday Apr 03, 2024
The Difficulty with the Love of God - Clarke Scheibe - March 29th - Friday Night Lecture
Click for slides.
People often struggle to understand the love of God because it is not being expressed in God's people. Difficulties arise because Christians are judgmental or because Christians make Love into an ideal, not as arising from the personal, holy Creator. Paul prays that Christians may understand the breadth, length, height and depth of the Love of God in Jesus. How are we to experience this love of God, not only in joy but also in purity?
Clarke Scheibe is the director of Canadian L'Abri and has been involved with L'Abri since 2007. He graduated from the University of Mississippi with a B.A. in Literature, with an emphasis in creative writing and from Regent College in Vancouver, Canada with an M.Div. He has a wide variety of interests such as baking, short stories, art, biblical hermeneutics, cultural studies and early blues music. He is married to Julia; they have two children; Samuel and Sarah Beth.

Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Wednesday Mar 27, 2024
Remember the Lord, your God: Reflections on Memory and Faith - Lili Reichow - March 22nd - Friday Night Lecture
Click for slides
How often we forget who God is, what He has done, and what He has promised to those who love Him. To be able to remember the Lord seems essential to a healthy Christian life. In this talk, we will reflect on how memory and faith intersect, as we seek to grow in the knowledge of our God.
Lili Reichow is married to Josué and they have one son, Benjamin. She holds a degree in Communication and a Masters in Theology. They worked at the English L'Abri for seven wonderful years. In December 2022, they returned to Brazil, their home country, to start the work of Brazil L'Abri South, something they had prayed about for over ten years.

Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Wednesday Mar 20, 2024
Modernity's Social Imagination: the Birth of the Social Sciences - Josué Reichow - March 16th - Friday Night Lecture
Slides to Follow
In this lecture we explore how the social sciences came to exist both as a response to the changes of the modern world as well as a powerful force in creating it. We will also reflect on how the social sciences create a new social imaginary which has become predominant, not only in academia, but in society at large. After doing so, we will examine the relationship of the social sciences to other fields of knowledge, such as philosophy and theology, and ask the question how Christians should view and interact with it.
Josué Reichow is currently a L'Abri worker in the newest L'Abri work - Brazilian L'Abri South - and a former worker at the English Branch. Associate Fellow for Reformational Philosophy, Cantaro Institute (Canada), Josué is author of 'Reform your mind: the philosophy of Herman Dooyeweerd' and has a degree in Social Sciences and Philosophy and a master's in Theology.

Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Wednesday Mar 13, 2024
Intellectual Rountable: A Survey and Critique of Today's Countercultural Thinking - Mike Sugimoto - 2022 Conference Highlights: Image and Identity
Mike Sugimoto is Professor of Asian Studies at Pepperdine University with a focus on cinema, sociology and philosophy.
The 2022 Rochester L'Abri Conference "Image and Identity in a Culture of Confusion" takes the general theme of 'Identity Formation'. Our current Cultural Confusion is manifested in many areas – the Sexual Revolution, Identity Politics, Social Media, etc – and in past conferences we have often looked at the moral issues involved. This year we want to look at their ideological roots and the challenge they pose to Identity Formation. In contrast to our culture’s obsession with Social Media Image and Political Identity, our formation should be grounded in the Image of God and oriented by our Identity in Christ.

Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
Wednesday Mar 06, 2024
The Secularization of Time - Guilherme de Carvalho - 2022 Conference Highlights: Image and Identity
Click for Slides
Guilherme de Carvalho is the Director of L'Abri Fellowship Brazil. He studied theology at Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie in São Paulo, Brazil (bachelor), Faculdade Teológica Batista de São Paulo (Th.M.), Universidade Metodista de São Paulo (MSc, Science of Religion).His research interests include Christian Philosophy, epistemology of religious belief, transdisciplinary connections between theology and culture (science, arts, politics).
The 2022 Rochester L'Abri Conference "Image and Identity in a Culture of Confusion" takes the general theme of 'Identity Formation'. Our current Cultural Confusion is manifested in many areas – the Sexual Revolution, Identity Politics, Social Media, etc – and in past conferences we have often looked at the moral issues involved. This year we want to look at their ideological roots and the challenge they pose to Identity Formation. In contrast to our culture’s obsession with Social Media Image and Political Identity, our formation should be grounded in the Image of God and oriented by our Identity in Christ.